Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Love and Emptiness


Lover Loved Through

Smell So Sweet

Jul 13, 2015

Saying For Today: The point of total surrender is the moment that we long only to be a lover and admit we cannot.


Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs



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Real love will take you far beyond yourself; and therefore real love will devastate you.

*Ken Wilber

Anyone who tries to save his or her life will lose it, and anyone who gives up his or her life will keep it.

*Jesus, Gospel of Luke 17.33

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A person spoke to me about a message a friend received from Spirit ~ "Speak only of love."

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We have to be emptied out before we can consistently be lovers. Love is not limited by our capacity to love, however. Love in its purest expression breaks through at times, before we are cleared for that Love to shine consistently through us.

Awareness of those moments of Pure Love encourages us to continue in prayerfulness and surrender. We remain receptive for Grace to empty us more, so we can be loved through more beautifully and graciously.

What is the most effective thing we can do in this Journey of being opened to Love, by Love? Pray. Persons pray for many things. We would be better off ceasing so much praying for things and, rather, pray for Life to empty us for more of Life to express through us.

Where is that point of total surrender to Spirit? That point is not when we are loving freely, which means simply having Love to fill and flow through us. The point of total surrender is the moment that we long only to be a lover and admit we cannot. That confession expresses the dissolving of pride and fear. This helps create the emptiness allowing a filling up and flowing through of Grace.

Most persons who experience this extent of Love will do so nurtured by relating to Grace as One to Love; sometimes, this will take the form of sexual and physically passionate imagery, such as, in the Bridal Mysticism of Christianity, or the ecstatic poetry of a Rumi or Rabia. This passionate imagery as a means of connection with Grace, we see in our song selection for today, "Pure," by Simrit Kaur.

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*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi ~ a Hospice Chaplain, interspiritual author, writer, poet, and bicyclist. He is someone in love with Life and inviting others to that same ecstasy of Love ~ and, by the way, herein is nothing he claims as his own.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Love and Emptiness

©Brian Wilcox 2024